Salon services for dogs and cats

Cutting dogs

Cutting dogs

Your pet is in good hands with us! Let your favorite get the best care in our center.

Cutting cats

Cutting cats

Our team of pet hair stylists is happy to make your animal look pretty and happy.



Trimming is the process of pulling the dead hair out of the coat of a non-shedding dog, either by using a stripping knife or the fingers.

Washing and hygiene

Washing and hygiene

Professional hair care, exactly according to the type of coat and with respect to all the advantages and disadvantages of the coat.

Creative work

Creative work

Creative work with dogs and cats. Coat color, pattern trimming, trimming tattoos, natural tattoos and many other things.

Photo shoot with animals

Photo shoot with animals

Professional photography of animals and, of course, a photo shoot with animals.



Cynology is one of our offered services resulting from the frequent needs of our clients.

Lucie Kroftová

Děkuji všem pracovníkům salónu PetGrooming za pozorné a šetrné zacházení se zvířaty. Kéž by bylo více salónů na tak profesionální úrovni, aby ubylo zvířátek se strachem ke koupání, stříhání a hygieny nehtů a oušek.

Lucie Kroftová
Alisia Kim

Thank you very much for your perfect work!

Alisia Kim
Елена Доброславина

Вы как всегда на высоте. Лучшие стрижки в Праге. А моя красотка после ваших рук самая стильная на Виноградах ?

Елена Доброславина