

Cynology is one of the fields of our work, we dedicate a special place to it, because all aspects of communication with our pets are interconnected. Very often, our clients who come to the salon for haircuts or other procedures contact us with a request for help in the field of canine training.

Our methods are always productive, because before starting lessons with an already problematic or still very young animal, our cynologist analyze the behavior and identify weak points. Only then is an individual program prescribed, according to which the cynologist will correct the animal’s behavior and achieve the desired result.
Our dog cynologists have extensive experience in working with dogs and specialize in both socialization and all types of training. Preparation for exhibitions, as well as handling, also fall into this category.

If your pet barks relentlessly while staying at home; spoils your belongings and property; still going to the toilet anywhere in the house; does not know how to behave between people and dogs; runs away from you in the street; barks at other dogs; does not know how to walk on a leash; is aggressive and fearful; does not see its owner in you and much more, then it is time to seek the help of a specialist, otherwise it will be too late. And the longer you wait for the situation to resolve itself, the more difficult and costly it will be to resolve it as a result.

Price for cynological training and its content

The price of an individual course consisting of 10 different lectures is CZK 10,000. The length of each lecture is from 1 to 1.5 hours. The course is prescribed according to an individual program specifically for your case.

During the course, the dog handler chooses different places for training, including training grounds, places with large crowds of people and other dogs, and quiet, deserted parks. It depends on what effect the specialist is trying to achieve and whether he needs stimuli for today’s lesson. Certain training will take place in a team with the owner, a special section is devoted to this, because many problems in the behavior of dogs arise precisely because of the improper behavior of the owner.
You must clearly understand that your effort, desire and time are also required for a good result. Only by working in a productive owner-cynologist-dog team can you achieve maximum results.

Sometimes the problem with a dog is not as complex and deep as its owner thinks. There are problems that can be solved at the first consultation and not come back to it again. A consultation with a cynologist lasts one hour and costs CZK 1,000. Here, the cynologist gets to know the dog, studies its behavior, listens to your complaints, draws a conclusion and explains how to deal with it correctly and quickly.

We also conduct group cynology courses 1-2 times a week. It is possible to join the group after three separate lectures. A group consists of a maximum of 5 participants. The price of a group lesson is CZK 600.

Preparation for the exhibition 600 CZK per hour, participation in the exhibition as a handler is agreed individually.
You can always get more information by contacting us in any way that suits you.